Hello, we are Flow

Masters of Performance Content Funnels

We create over 10,000 leads each month via content to different products and services, for a variety of verticals (insurance, loans, health, cars, real estate, education, etc). In general, leads originating from our content are second in conversion rate only to leads from google search.

We love direct response, single product e - commerce. We create ads, content, videos, and landing pages, running them in high intent and discovery platforms to find the ‘holy funnel’ and increase conversions with the desired CAC

Need to educate your audience so they’ll convert later? Feel you need a high CTR article to drive your target audience into your funnel? Dreaming of an ‘objective’ magazine in your category to help establish an advantage for your brand? We know exactly what you mean - and we can do it in any language. From WordPress magazines and testimonial videos to UGC, we create and run media to reach your goals

We engage, convince and convert...

We are inspired by the innovation, disruption and creativity of entrepreneurs bringing fresh ideas and new approaches to “age old” problems through science, technology and the desire to think differently.

True innovation and disruption always comes with a unique set of challenges - and your typical Google/Facebook campaign just won't cut it. To truly engage, convince and convert your audience, you need to provide them with the necessary knowledge and understanding of your offer while simultaneously instilling confidence and enthusiasm in your new approach. You need a “deep engagement” funnel which addresses both the rational and the emotional to drive people to act - and this is where we excel!

To put it simply, we combine our storytelling expertize with exceptional knowledge and experience of the digital ecosystem in order to grow these awesome brands and help them scale to new heights, ensuring that as many people as possible enjoy their amazing benefits.


We create and run content based-funnels that deliver sales and grow demand

1. Learn & Plan
We begin by establishing a deep understanding of you, your brand and your mission - we learn every aspect of your story. Once we’re clear on the best way to present that story, we decide which message will be most effective, how to get that message to the right audience, which platforms and type of content are best suited, and, most importantly, how to prompt your audience to the desired action.
2. Create & Funnel
Now is when the creative juices really start to flow. Our awesome creative and media teams collaborate to map out the user journey, keeping in mind key touch points and creating the optimum funnel and campaign approach - for each and every platform. While campaigns are tailored towards each platform and funnel, utilizing carefully crafted ads, landing pages and videos, we also ensure these various elements align with the overall strategy.
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3. Run & Analyze
It’s a methodical process… and our campaign managers have been involved throughout. They now place the content on the relevant platforms and test, test, test. They gauge the performance of the ads, videos, articles, and landing pages, analyzing each and every aspect, learning as they go along and gaining valuable, actionable insights as to how performance can be improved or optimized.
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4. Optimize & Scale
Time to increase the flow. Having gathered our insights, we now understand what’s working and can improve performance. Our media team assimilates our methodology and optimizes the campaign, scaling to the max - and beyond. Our agile approach and carefully managed workflow allows us to execute any combination of tactic or strategy, building tailored, content-focused campaigns that deliver at scale.
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You flow. You grow

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In 1st year launching DTC
online sales



In 2nd year while growing in scale



In 3rd year vs. 2nd year



After 4 months of working with us



VS Target


From lead to sale



Launching D2C campaigns in Israel Canada and Switzerland



Per month with content funnels



From lead to sale



In the first month working with us



VS the year prior to working with us



VS the year prior to working with us


Tsach Rauch


Flow COO Tsach Rauch has over a decade’s experience in digital marketing, including senior positions in media and campaign management. He has overseen 6 and 7 figure campaigns.

Before going digital, Tsach worked as a financial engineer in the financial markets. His background in both financial and strategic analysis means that Tsach sees problems long before they arise, and ensures everything flows smoothly and exactly as it should.

Gary Cohen

Leading Creative

Leading Creative at Flow is Gary Cohen, a “master builder” of content funnels, strategist and digital marketing maven

  • Worked with top performing D2C brands with 7 figure monthly spends
  • Was the creative force behind the number 1 globally performing ad on YouTube, and has been behind a top 3 ad on a regular basis
  • Number 2 ad on Superbowl Sunday
  • Scaled funnels from 5 to 7 figures
  • Successfully migrated brands to native advertising

Noa Berman

Influencers & Affiliation Manager

Responsible for building Flow’s online influencers strategy and bringing it to life while expanding the network of influencers on an ongoing basis.

Manages the influencers campaigns from A to Z - from locating relevant influencers, to negotiating terms and conditions and performance management, ensuring our client’s goals are met.

Gal Simon

Media Team Leader

Gal Simon leads the media team and comes with an impressive record of success in campaign management across multiple sectors and platforms.

  • Managed the first ever $10m + monthly spend on Facebook in Israel
  • Created a new approach to campaign management and arbitrage that was widely adopted by the industry in Israel
  • Excels in penetrating new markets and verticals

Ori Senior

Founder and CEO

If Flow was Star Trek, then Ori Senior, founder and CEO, would be Captain Kirk. If it were Star Wars, then Obi Wan Kenobi, but hey, you get the idea…

A leader and visionary, Ori makes sure the team is in full flow - and making him look good.
Recognized as an industry leader in creative strategy, Ori has worked on international campaigns with the biggest brands and the most innovative startups, both B2B and B2C.

Nir Avni

Full Stack Developer

Leading the tech team, Nir is responsible for all technological products developed at Flow, both for our clients and the company itself.

Nir is in charge of designing user interactions on all websites and landing pages; developing servers and databases; managing in-house and third-party web services for lead management; special features; chatbots; online reports; and more, all with our client’s needs and goals front and center.

Ori Senior

Founder and CEO

If Flow was Star Trek, then Ori Senior, founder and CEO, would be Captain Kirk. If it were Star Wars, then Obi Wan Kenobi, but hey, you get the idea… Read More

A leader and visionary, Ori makes sure the team is in full flow - and making him look good.
Recognized as an industry leader in creative strategy, Ori has worked on international campaigns with the biggest brands and the most innovative startups, both B2B and B2C.

Tsach Rauch


Flow COO Tsach Rauch has over a decade’s experience in digital marketing, including senior positions in media and campaign management. Read More

Tsach has overseen 6 and 7 figure campaigns. Before going digital, Tsach worked as a financial engineer in the financial markets. His background in both financial and strategic analysis means that Tsach sees problems long before they arise, and ensures everything flows smoothly and exactly as it should.

Gal Simon

Media Team Leader

Gal Simon leads the media team and comes with an impressive record of success in campaign management across multiple sectors and platforms. Read More

  • Managed the first ever $10m + monthly spend on Facebook in Israel
  • Created a new approach to campaign management and arbitrage that was widely adopted by the industry in Israel
  • Excels in penetrating new markets and verticals

Gary Cohen

Leading Creative

Leading Creative at Flow is Gary Cohen, a “master builder” of content funnels, strategist and digital marketing maven... Read More

  • Worked (I would remove ‘successfully’; you’re not going to highlight something that WASN’T a success, and therefore, the word is unnecessary) with top performing D2C brands with 7-figure monthly spends
  • Was the creative force behind the number 1 globally performing ad on YouTube, and has been behind a top 3 ad on a regular basis
  • Number 2 ad on Superbowl Sunday
  • Scaled funnels from 5 to 7 figures
  • Successfully migrated brands to native advertising

Noa Berman

Influencers & Affiliation Manager

Responsible for building Flow’s online influencers strategy and bringing it to life while expanding the network of influencers on an ongoing basis. Read More

Manages the influencers campaigns from A to Z - from locating relevant influencers, to negotiating terms and conditions and performance management, ensuring our client’s goals are met.

Nir Avni

Full Stack Developer

Leading the tech team, Nir is responsible for all technological products developed at Flow, both for our clients and the company itself. Read More

Nir is in charge of designing user interactions on all websites and landing pages; developing servers and databases; managing in-house and third-party web services for lead management; special features; chatbots; online reports; and more, all with our client’s needs and goals front and center.

Hi Flow, can you guys help me with…

lead generation

DTC direct response

optimize & scale

digital agency


anything else we can do?

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We’re located right above the
Hilton beach in Tel Aviv

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